SMCPO Sir Shon Elliott, KDE, OC, NS, QBM, RMN
Senior Master Chief Communications Technician (CTSMC), HMS Medusa (SD-316)
Position(s) Held:
Most Regal Order of Queen Elizabeth I
Knight Commander (KDE)
HMS Unconquered (CL-16)
Crewmember, Class of 2016
Bureau of Communications
Command Senior Master Chief Petty Officer
Tenth Fleet
Staff Communications Technician
RMN Amateur Radio Auxiliary
Member (KK6TOO)
Biographical Profile |
Command Senior Master Chief Communications Technician Shon Elliott serves as the Communications Department Chief for HMS Medusa. He originally signed on aboard HMS Roland (DD-476) and transferred aboard HM Pinnace Roland-One along with the pre-commissioning unit that would eventually become HMS Artemis (BC-592), making him a keel plate owner. He transferred to Medusa in November 2015, along with the rest of Artemis‘ crew. In addition to his duties aboard ship, he also serves within the Bureau of Communications as the bureau’s Command Senior Master Chief Petty Officer, and he is often seen at Tenth Fleet Headquarters as the Staff Communications Technician, assisting the Fleet Bosun in day-to-day duties. |
Chief Elliott is a native-born Californian and has worked in radio since the mid-1990s as an engineer. He also has a wide range of skills and experience, including network and system administration; his current position is as a senior network engineer for an Internet service provider in Central California. He is also an FCC-Licensed Amateur General Operator, with the callsign, KK6TOO. |
When he is not toiling away in the Communications hub of the ship, he likes to unwind with a variety of hobbies including gaming, music, television programs, movies, Amateur Radio, and Japanese culture (anime, doramas, music, etc). He is one of the on-air talents at Japan-A-Radio as well as the programming director. He has been a longtime fan of baseball; his favorite team is the San Francisco Giants. |